
AI Award Win Underscores Aspen Technology's Drive to Accelerate Digitalization

Our prescriptive maintenance solution, Aspen Mtell, recently won the Technology Excellence Award 2020 for AI in Manufacturing from the Singapore Business Review.


Applications for IIoT: What You Should Really Consider

The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is not just a technology or framework story. It's about picking the right problem to solve, then picking the correct application to solve it.


ARC Forum 2020: Predictive Analytics for a Better World

At the 24th Annual ARC Industry Forum in Orlando, Florida, we showcased the benefits that predictive analytics powered by AI can deliver.


A medida que las EPCs se preparan para el cambio, la transformación digital se vuelve crítica

Las firmas de ingeniería entrarán pronto en un período difícil, por lo que se ha vuelto más importante el poder capturar los aumentos de productividad de los diseños de digitalización y de los flujos de trabajo de ingeniería.


A New Era

Recent global volatility and uncertainty have asset intensive industries facing a new era - and the ability to react and recover is evolving. Read this blog for insights into preparing a new path towards building future resilience.


A New Generation of Asset Performance Management Solutions

A new generation of APM solutions delivers value that’s visible well beyond the maintenance department.


Are You Ready for Industrial AI? Our Checklist Has the Answer

Industrial AI will enable the next generation of AspenTech solutions to deliver greater business value. Are you ready to put this technology to work?


Aspen Hybrid Models: Solving Immediate and Long-Term Challenges

Companies today face growing pressure to be agile and increase productivity. Technology that is novel today will become the backbone of day-to-day manufacturing in the future.


Aspen AIoT Hub Recognized with 2021 Artificial Intelligence Award

The Aspen AIoT Hub has earned a 2021 AI Award from the Business Intelligence Group! The award recognizes our powerful Industrial AI solution.


Aspen AIoT Hub™: The Cloud-Ready Infrastructure for Industrial AI

The AIoT Hub provides a cloud-ready, robust and highly scalable infrastructure for Industrial AI applications to realize the vision for the Self-Optimizing Plant.

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